Thursday, November 10, 2011

Monday Morning Mileage

"The miracle isn't that I finished.  The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham

We all have many reasons for running.  There is no right or wrong reason.  It doesn't take special talent, anyone can do it.  That is why we love running. 

We started our little running group about eight months ago.  The hardest part of running is finding the time.  We run Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 5 am and then early Saturdays or Sunday afternoon.  Some people think we are crazy, but it is an amazing way to start your day.  The first few mornings were hard to get up, hard to not succumb to the cold weather, hard to wrap our heads around the mileage.  But we stuck with it.  We were all at different levels of running, but we made it work.  We had a goal of a 5K and that soon turned in to signing up for a half marathon.  We worked through illness, family issues, blisters, chaffing, crying, laughing, and all of the stuff in between.  We lifted each other up when we were struggling, we gave each other the encouragement and the confidence we probably would have not found on our own.  We did things we never thought were possible.

So lace up your sneakers and hit the pavement!  It doesn't matter if you can run for 1 block or 1 mile, just get out and do it!  Your heart, mind and body will thank you for it!


moon & lulus

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