Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Twister Birthday Party

I can't believe that my  baby is 5!  I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday!  I am so proud of the little gentleman that he has become in his 5 years.  He brings smiles and warmth to my heart every day.  He is so kind, sweet, and a gentle soul.

When I asked what he wanted to do for his birthday party this year, he immediately said Twister.  That was not what I was expecting, but could totally roll with it!  I was expecting the standard sledding party that we have done for the last four years.  He then amended and said a Twister/sledding party!  Little did we know that the first time in his five years on this planet, we had NO SNOW.  So no sledding party, just Twister!

I couldn't find any invitations to go with the theme, so I found these foam circles at Jo-Ann Fabric and improvised and made my own.

I then was trying to decide what party favors to give.  I made homemade play dough in blue, red, yellow and green balls and gave those as favors.

Will wanted almond cake/cupcakes. I took one of my almond Christmas cookie recipe and modified it to make cupcakes/cake.  I didn't am going to decline giving that recipe for now. Maybe sometime in the future!

For games we played the Twister game.  Then we played musical Twister.  Each child had a foam circle.  We then took the birthday boy's away and had all of the kids put their circle on the floor.  We then had them dance around the room to some silly children's music and when the music stopped, they had to get to a foam circle!  The one that didn't get to a circle was out!  The kids had a blast and we played three rounds!  We then came upstairs and played Roll-a-Rainbow game.  You can find the printable here.

We sang happy birthday, had some snacks and opened presents.

What a fun time!  I hope you got some Twister party ideas.  There aren't many out there, so I hope this was helpful!


moon & lulus

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