Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter Running

So the winter has been a little bit of a challenge to get out and run.  Our group normally runs at 5:00 am.  However, during the winter season, 5 am is dangerously cold and terribly slick.  So, we have decided to get out in the evenings around 7-7:30 and then on the weekends as they fit in.  It is so nice to see the girls and get great runs in as well!  Even if we only get a couple a week.  We have had some pretty cold, but fun runs so far.  Moon and I headed out a few weekends ago and we had an amazing snow fall during.  It was so much fun (other than the snow sticking to your eyelashes making it a little difficult to see)!  Here are a couple of photos from that run!

With the winter cold, snow and windy conditions, we have had to rely on our treadmills a little more.  I DREAD the treadmill.  I never thought I would love running with others, but now I have a hard time going alone.  The treadmill solidifies that for me.  I get on and I just stare at the time/mileage saying to myself, "It has only been 5 mins" or "I haven't even gone a mile yet?"  I keep upping my speed in order to just get done.  I have had some of my best times for runs on the treadmill, but the quality is less than mediocre.  I don't feel good about them and I try to avoid it at all costs!

In keeping the spirit of the New Year and my positive outlook, I am going to try to embrace the treadmill. I decided that I have to change the way I use it in the winter. I am going to use it to my advantage and in a way that I don't have to be tied to it for longer than 30-40 mins. I am really trying hard to increase my speed and stamina. So, I am going to work on speed drills on my treadmill. I don't have to be tied to the monotony of staring at the wall in what seems like an eternity! According to high-speed training helps you improve your ability to produce oxygen to support your workouts. The higher this ability--known as your VO2 max--the longer you can sustain intense running levels. Improved VO2 max benefits long-distance runners who seek to improve times in 10K races or longer. The Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism published a study in 2006 showing that runners who performed intervals involving periods at or near their maximum VO2 max improved their running times after doing just two speed-training workouts per week for four weeks.  There are lots of great websites out there for speed work on the treadmill. Just Google treadmill speed workouts or interval workouts for the treadmill!!

Another tip that will help us (beings that we are finally get some snow and ice this winter!) is "screwing."  I know that sounds crazy, but fellow MN runners swear by it and say they work so well.

You use small Hex head Sheet Metal Screws.... like 1/2 "
You can see the placement of them on my shoes in the photo below.  I removed them at the end of winter,
and they were  holes or anything. I had a larger amount on mine.  My husband used fewer....just preference. Just don't walk on hardwood floors with them....they leave indentations!  Yikes!
They really work well on snow and ice.....even on the tar getting to the snowy/ icy areas, it's fine, you just hear some clicking, but they don't throw you off balance or anything. 

To all our fellow runners and non-runners, get out there and enjoy the weather!  You will be glad you did! 


moon & lulus

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